HearとListen。中学生でも違いは知っている。単純に言えば、HearはPassive、ListenはActiveな動作だ。でも正し く使いわけるには注意が必要。
It is hard to (________) what he said.
Can you hear me?
日本にも、「聞く」と「聴く」という2種類のきくがあるが、大概の「聴く」は、「聞く」に置き換えても間違いではないので、Hearと Listenの使い分けを会得するのは難しんじゃないかと思っている。ま、その都度覚えていくことにしよう。
思い込みネタでもう一つ書き添えるなら、今日から、ロンドン出身の先生のLessonを受講することにした。カウンセラーさんから長らく進められていたのだ けど、なかなか開始するきっかけがなかった。偶然にもこの先生の名前は、Gabaを進めてくれたカナダ人の先生と同じ名前(Edward)、変な思い込みかもしれないけど、何人かしっているEdwardはいずれも感じがよく、人柄も素晴らしい人が多かったので、Edwardと聞くとなんか感じの良い印象を持ってしまうのだ。
Sunday, July 28, 2013
What is the best part of business trips?
Do you go on business trips? What is the best part of business trips? What is the worst part?
My biggest pleasures of business trips are to meet unknown people and unexpected things. However, if you know my purpose of my trips, you would probably be surprised.
I am a manager who leads a technical support team for S/W on PC and has one or two times of business trips every month to visit my customers. The main purpose of business trip is trouble shooting that my staff can't fix. In other words, the almost all customers whom I have to visit are facing critical situations.
About four years ago, an automotive supplier in Shizuoka was my turning point. I visit the customer to report a S/W quality assurance system of my company, because the critical bug in my product were detected on the customers’ evaluation process and damaged the confident of both the product and the company. Whether the company was possible to recover the confident depended on my response. If my response would not had satisfied in the customer’s requirement, the customer would have stop using the product and would have chosen competitor’s one.
The customer’s office located on the top of beautiful hill. The office was surrounded by tea tree farm. On the way to the office, I saw a lot of small wind mills in the tea tree files and talked to sales guy who followed me to the customer. “Which direction is the wind blowing from? With wind or against?”, “Hope with wind”. He said. We kept quit because that our visit was a kind of negotiation that we were not allowed to lose.
The meeting was filled in a gloomy atmosphere. At the end of the meeting, the director asked us the cause of bugs. Are bugs generated by an individual or an organization? The question was very hard to answer. Even though I chose any option, the director would doubt S/W quality assurance system was not enough.
After long silence, he began to speak the problem he held. The bugs had been repeated by the same cause. He told us honestly that he didn’t find the good way to avoid it. We discussed way of testing and reviewing as S/W engineer over a relationship between clients and suppliers and shared the difficulty of developing high quality S/W product.
Till then, I hadn’t found the pleasure in trouble shooting, but I changed my mind. Though I exchange a lot of mails with customer every day, those are technical problems. It is very hard to catch root causes and their thinking that they hold.
Now, I think business trip for trouble shootings are good opportunities to understand the customers deeply even though the customer were upset by the trouble. I’m also sure that it’s easy to build good relationship with customer after visiting them.
Compared with the best part and the worst part, it’s difficult to find the worst. If I were to point it, someone who can’t catch me at my office call me while I’m spending relaxing time after a critical negotiation. Those are probably overseas calls. The calls dispossess my relaxing time of drinking beer seeing nice view in Shinkansen. It is just another pleasure among Japanese business people.
My biggest pleasures of business trips are to meet unknown people and unexpected things. However, if you know my purpose of my trips, you would probably be surprised.
I am a manager who leads a technical support team for S/W on PC and has one or two times of business trips every month to visit my customers. The main purpose of business trip is trouble shooting that my staff can't fix. In other words, the almost all customers whom I have to visit are facing critical situations.
About four years ago, an automotive supplier in Shizuoka was my turning point. I visit the customer to report a S/W quality assurance system of my company, because the critical bug in my product were detected on the customers’ evaluation process and damaged the confident of both the product and the company. Whether the company was possible to recover the confident depended on my response. If my response would not had satisfied in the customer’s requirement, the customer would have stop using the product and would have chosen competitor’s one.
The customer’s office located on the top of beautiful hill. The office was surrounded by tea tree farm. On the way to the office, I saw a lot of small wind mills in the tea tree files and talked to sales guy who followed me to the customer. “Which direction is the wind blowing from? With wind or against?”, “Hope with wind”. He said. We kept quit because that our visit was a kind of negotiation that we were not allowed to lose.
The meeting was filled in a gloomy atmosphere. At the end of the meeting, the director asked us the cause of bugs. Are bugs generated by an individual or an organization? The question was very hard to answer. Even though I chose any option, the director would doubt S/W quality assurance system was not enough.
After long silence, he began to speak the problem he held. The bugs had been repeated by the same cause. He told us honestly that he didn’t find the good way to avoid it. We discussed way of testing and reviewing as S/W engineer over a relationship between clients and suppliers and shared the difficulty of developing high quality S/W product.
Till then, I hadn’t found the pleasure in trouble shooting, but I changed my mind. Though I exchange a lot of mails with customer every day, those are technical problems. It is very hard to catch root causes and their thinking that they hold.
Now, I think business trip for trouble shootings are good opportunities to understand the customers deeply even though the customer were upset by the trouble. I’m also sure that it’s easy to build good relationship with customer after visiting them.
Compared with the best part and the worst part, it’s difficult to find the worst. If I were to point it, someone who can’t catch me at my office call me while I’m spending relaxing time after a critical negotiation. Those are probably overseas calls. The calls dispossess my relaxing time of drinking beer seeing nice view in Shinkansen. It is just another pleasure among Japanese business people.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Lunch time sales / これが変だよ日本
グローバルビジネスという意味では、これは部下が上司に報告をする場面となるが、日本の職場の場合、ありふれた光景といえば、昼休みの保険外交員 のセールスである。
「日本の会社では、昼休みにメインバンクの系列保険会社の外交員が生命保険の勧誘にやって い
グローバルビジネスという意味では、これは部下が上司に報告をする場面となるが、日本の職場の場合、ありふれた光景といえば、昼休みの保険外交員 のセールスである。
「日本の会社では、昼休みにメインバンクの系列保険会社の外交員が生命保険の勧誘にやって い
Sunday, July 21, 2013
What is a negotiation? / 一本締めに思うこと
"Every one, Hope our success and clap our hands! Yooo" "Pang!"
"Thanks every one"
先週に引き続き、価格交渉のレッスン。価格交渉といっても、フリマで土産物を値切るという簡単なもの…。と見縊っていたら、結構これ大変。相手の 提案を聞きつつ、次の一手と値段を瞬時に考える。うーんマルチタスクが苦手な私には、結構堪えます。
"Every one, Hope our success and clap our hands! Yooo" "Pang!"
"Thanks every one"
先週に引き続き、価格交渉のレッスン。価格交渉といっても、フリマで土産物を値切るという簡単なもの…。と見縊っていたら、結構これ大変。相手の 提案を聞きつつ、次の一手と値段を瞬時に考える。うーんマルチタスクが苦手な私には、結構堪えます。
Part-time jobs during university
Do you think part-time jobs during university help prepare students for their professional careers? Why or why not?
Yes. In cutting edge technologies, many founders started their business during the university. As you might know, Microsoft, Facebook and other famous enterprises were established in Harvard University. The success was caused by their founder who was a genius. However, I’m sure that inconvenience and free university days incubated amazing idea that no one came up.
Speaking of myself, I had worked for the laboratory as a programmer during university. The reason why I started working is very simple. It was a shortcut of my carrier. The part-time job game me more than I had expected.
What is a difference between writing program in lectures in the university and writing it for earning money? I think it’s had to find a significant difference between them. However, my way of learning was changed dramatically. Getting a certain purpose make me consider it deeply. Until I started working, my concern is whether I’m possible to pass exam in high score. I had never had questions nor didn’t try researching it deeply.
The biggest things that I learned through my part time job, might be break through skills. Though getting money was out of my scope, I thought my result should have more than worth of my earnings. I tried writing program without bugs. At the laboratory, I shared a single computer with researchers and engineers. Once the bug detected, I had to wait to re-use till next day. It is hard to believe today, but it was very common two decades ago.
Generally, it is very easy to find programing language text books. On the other hand, there are very rare textbook about programing skill. Even though I got such kind of books, it is another thing to fix the bugs that I faced. The first things I did is to ask the professional engineer who worked for the laboratory give me some advices. It was tough work for me because I never had talked with older people who are neither my family nor teachers.
Fortunately one of engineer treated me as a engineer not a beginner. The experience gave me a policy as a professional that the true engineer share the knowledge with anyone.
If a university student were two minds about a part time job, I’ll recommend starting it. The job reminds the importance of learning in university, changes the way of studying and definitely gives them unforgettable experience that is their polestar in the future.
Yes. In cutting edge technologies, many founders started their business during the university. As you might know, Microsoft, Facebook and other famous enterprises were established in Harvard University. The success was caused by their founder who was a genius. However, I’m sure that inconvenience and free university days incubated amazing idea that no one came up.
Speaking of myself, I had worked for the laboratory as a programmer during university. The reason why I started working is very simple. It was a shortcut of my carrier. The part-time job game me more than I had expected.
What is a difference between writing program in lectures in the university and writing it for earning money? I think it’s had to find a significant difference between them. However, my way of learning was changed dramatically. Getting a certain purpose make me consider it deeply. Until I started working, my concern is whether I’m possible to pass exam in high score. I had never had questions nor didn’t try researching it deeply.
The biggest things that I learned through my part time job, might be break through skills. Though getting money was out of my scope, I thought my result should have more than worth of my earnings. I tried writing program without bugs. At the laboratory, I shared a single computer with researchers and engineers. Once the bug detected, I had to wait to re-use till next day. It is hard to believe today, but it was very common two decades ago.
Generally, it is very easy to find programing language text books. On the other hand, there are very rare textbook about programing skill. Even though I got such kind of books, it is another thing to fix the bugs that I faced. The first things I did is to ask the professional engineer who worked for the laboratory give me some advices. It was tough work for me because I never had talked with older people who are neither my family nor teachers.
Fortunately one of engineer treated me as a engineer not a beginner. The experience gave me a policy as a professional that the true engineer share the knowledge with anyone.
If a university student were two minds about a part time job, I’ll recommend starting it. The job reminds the importance of learning in university, changes the way of studying and definitely gives them unforgettable experience that is their polestar in the future.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
What is "free market"?
Text Bookを見ておどろいた。"Flea Market(蚤の市)"とある。辞書を引いてみると、発音は、フリーマーケットになることがわかった。
が、がーん。これって、今まずっと、Free Marketだと信じてきたってこと?自由に出店できるからだと思っていたけど、とんだ思い違いをしてきたってことね。
*** ***
話は変わって、Text Bookでは、Negotiationというか値切り交渉のテクニックを学習する。競合と比較したり、まとめ買いをしたり、交渉の席をたつそぶりを見せたりとかなり初歩的できあるが、日本ではこうしたテクニックを系統的にまとめ見たものがないので面白かった。とかく、交渉というと、日本では、度胸だと思っている人がまだまだ多い。
交渉は構造とデータなんだよなあ、とTrouble Shootingが三度の飯より好きな私は思うのである。
Text Bookを見ておどろいた。"Flea Market(蚤の市)"とある。辞書を引いてみると、発音は、フリーマーケットになることがわかった。
が、がーん。これって、今まずっと、Free Marketだと信じてきたってこと?自由に出店できるからだと思っていたけど、とんだ思い違いをしてきたってことね。
*** ***
話は変わって、Text Bookでは、Negotiationというか値切り交渉のテクニックを学習する。競合と比較したり、まとめ買いをしたり、交渉の席をたつそぶりを見せたりとかなり初歩的できあるが、日本ではこうしたテクニックを系統的にまとめ見たものがないので面白かった。とかく、交渉というと、日本では、度胸だと思っている人がまだまだ多い。
交渉は構造とデータなんだよなあ、とTrouble Shootingが三度の飯より好きな私は思うのである。
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Confidence in others
"If you're in charge that make me feel confident and safe"
"If you're in charge that make me feel confident and safe"
The best things that has happened to my carrer
Seven Years ago, I led marketing training for new employees who just graduated from university. It was really tough work but gave me various things. At that time, I was just promoted to a section manager and the job developed a fundamental skill of managing.
In the training, a team consisted of seven or eight new employees and a facilitator. Since the company hired about eighty new employees, there were ten teams. The goal was designed new product for the company and made a presentation for board member including CEO.
The training was over three months, included two times of half day marketing lectures need to interim report. Except those events, the operation was managed by each team.
I’d like to share three most difficult of my role.
The first is to be a good facilitator. I was not familiar of the role. Wikipedia say “A facilitator is someone who helps a group of people understand their common objectives and assists them to plan to achieve them without taking a particular position in the discussion.” The facilitator should be neutral. It needed patience that I expected. For example target range for the product they were designing was absolutely narrow. They know same generation well, but didn’t know order generation at all. Generally 60s is better consumers, because their income is higher than 20s and they have more free time. Additionally they are positive about something new. However, they avoided the 60s from target consumers. In such a time, a facilitator had only to tell “Look at all generation. You might skip important things.” Even though they chose wrong options, the facilitator didn’t allow pointing it.
The second is to pull and lead small team. Till then, I’ve led small team that consisted of two or three members. However, the new employments are quite different and my experience was not useful. Sometimes, they started to argue. It seemed to lack of productive discussion and negotiation skill. One day looking carefully, I found their irritation was caused by their hunger. The team meetings were held after business hours. I brought a box of sweet that I bought on my business trip and gave it them. They discussed peacefully. Exchanging such tips of managing team with other co-facilitators is my fun. After a while, some teams became to have a break time with snack while meeting.
The third is improve time management. Just promoted manager is quite busy. They have to organize a lot of meeting, visit customers, evaluate their subordinates …. They have to face a lot of unknown things. Additionally, I have to manage new employee team. I know I couldn’t join all meetings. Through the experience I learned manager have to select jobs and sometime leave the job up to someone.
On the training I found another aim of the training. The training was also for new managers. Actually facilitators are new managers who just passed the job promotion.
Just a week before the final presentation for board members I was in Hong Kong. I joined meetings and rehearsal for presentation over phone. Since I spent my time in noisy convention halls in Hong Kong, it was difficult to listen to their saying. However lack of the facilitator brought together.
My team finished second. I had to do another thing, because one of member believed the first prize and I need to tell that he must accept the reality. After the presentation, we had party that all board member new employees and facilitators joined at. Some member of my team asked me to talk with the CEO Yamaguchi.
“I’m very glad to see you, Mr Yamaguchi” one of member said.
“Me, too” The CEO answered friendly.
I’ll never forget the scene.
In the training, a team consisted of seven or eight new employees and a facilitator. Since the company hired about eighty new employees, there were ten teams. The goal was designed new product for the company and made a presentation for board member including CEO.
The training was over three months, included two times of half day marketing lectures need to interim report. Except those events, the operation was managed by each team.
I’d like to share three most difficult of my role.
The first is to be a good facilitator. I was not familiar of the role. Wikipedia say “A facilitator is someone who helps a group of people understand their common objectives and assists them to plan to achieve them without taking a particular position in the discussion.” The facilitator should be neutral. It needed patience that I expected. For example target range for the product they were designing was absolutely narrow. They know same generation well, but didn’t know order generation at all. Generally 60s is better consumers, because their income is higher than 20s and they have more free time. Additionally they are positive about something new. However, they avoided the 60s from target consumers. In such a time, a facilitator had only to tell “Look at all generation. You might skip important things.” Even though they chose wrong options, the facilitator didn’t allow pointing it.
The second is to pull and lead small team. Till then, I’ve led small team that consisted of two or three members. However, the new employments are quite different and my experience was not useful. Sometimes, they started to argue. It seemed to lack of productive discussion and negotiation skill. One day looking carefully, I found their irritation was caused by their hunger. The team meetings were held after business hours. I brought a box of sweet that I bought on my business trip and gave it them. They discussed peacefully. Exchanging such tips of managing team with other co-facilitators is my fun. After a while, some teams became to have a break time with snack while meeting.
The third is improve time management. Just promoted manager is quite busy. They have to organize a lot of meeting, visit customers, evaluate their subordinates …. They have to face a lot of unknown things. Additionally, I have to manage new employee team. I know I couldn’t join all meetings. Through the experience I learned manager have to select jobs and sometime leave the job up to someone.
On the training I found another aim of the training. The training was also for new managers. Actually facilitators are new managers who just passed the job promotion.
Just a week before the final presentation for board members I was in Hong Kong. I joined meetings and rehearsal for presentation over phone. Since I spent my time in noisy convention halls in Hong Kong, it was difficult to listen to their saying. However lack of the facilitator brought together.
My team finished second. I had to do another thing, because one of member believed the first prize and I need to tell that he must accept the reality. After the presentation, we had party that all board member new employees and facilitators joined at. Some member of my team asked me to talk with the CEO Yamaguchi.
“I’m very glad to see you, Mr Yamaguchi” one of member said.
“Me, too” The CEO answered friendly.
I’ll never forget the scene.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
This is the top of the world / ここが世界の頂点
I had an opportunity to watch the presentation by a technical support manager for a famous S/W vender. After his performance I asked him about some support issues.
"How would the way of technical support be changed ?"
These days the communication tools have been improved. I'm very interested in his answer. His answer was very clearly and simple. "Basically, the services are provided by phone-calls and e-mails. Actually, we're trying to use remote access server technology."
I was very surprised. Even such a manager from the most advanced IT vender is possible to access any cutting edged gadgets and S/W.
I didn't make sense. Why he choose classic tools?
On the way to the library, I considered and considered. After for a while, an idea appeared in my mind.
This is the top of the world. This is the place I should work for.
Technical supports need huge amount of support infrastructure like various kind of servers, web data, support log, ... Every time what we can see is only small part of iceberg.
I'm sure that it is the top of the world. No turn back.
"How would the way of technical support be changed ?"
These days the communication tools have been improved. I'm very interested in his answer. His answer was very clearly and simple. "Basically, the services are provided by phone-calls and e-mails. Actually, we're trying to use remote access server technology."
I was very surprised. Even such a manager from the most advanced IT vender is possible to access any cutting edged gadgets and S/W.
I didn't make sense. Why he choose classic tools?
On the way to the library, I considered and considered. After for a while, an idea appeared in my mind.
This is the top of the world. This is the place I should work for.
Technical supports need huge amount of support infrastructure like various kind of servers, web data, support log, ... Every time what we can see is only small part of iceberg.
I'm sure that it is the top of the world. No turn back.
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