Monday, June 20, 2011

How Would You Move Mount Fuji?:

Start June 13, 2011

June 20, 2011 pp.54
Riddle なぞなぞ,判じ物

The teal test of an interviewingtecbnique is how it compares with other interviewipg tecbniques. Hiring is not a particularly scientific process anywhere. At most companies, it's seat-of-the-pants iptuition. If Microsoft did not judge job seekers (in part) on theirperformance on puzzules and riddles, then they would have to give more weight to something else --- answers to "softer" traditional and behavioral questions, small talk, firmness of a handshake. It is hard to see how tbat would be a fairer or more effective way of hiring.

Gates was loath to hire non programmers. He felt that the company's core competencies were programming and hiring good programmers. Paul Allen wanted to expand into making hardware. Gates vetoed it. Steve Ballmer wanted to hire nonprogrammers - you know,
like salespeople. What, are you trying to bankrupt me?!? Gates wanted to know.

Hiring developers was and is a dicey business. Microsoffs first product was a version of BASIC for the Altair 8800, a computer that hobbyists built from a kit. Microsoft soon had its first monopoly _. on the Altair 8800 platform - and it did not last long. Soon the Altair was left in the dust by the next big thing - namely, computers that came fully assembled.

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