Sunday, August 18, 2013

Do you like a fixed work schedule? Why or why not?

If my job goes along a fixed schedule, how calm a day is. I wouldn't debate whether pick up ringing call or continue speaking to organize a meeting. I wouldn't drink a cup of cold café latte that was extremely hot 3 hours ago in the closest Starbucks.

If you are interested in Japanese national character, you may know “Yotei Chowa”. “Yotei” means a word “schedule” and “Chowa” is a word “harmonize”. “Yotei Chowa” means that people harmonize with a result that was already scheduled carefully. In old Japanese styled meeting, the result was still decided and there is no discussion among attendees. This is an extreme case of “Yotei Chowa”, but I’d like to work along fixed schedule a little more.

I manage over 15 member technical support team that receive and send several hundred mails a day. My job is far from the fixed schedule.

Every morning I go to office with Starbucks coffee and start reading mails that reached while leaving my office with drinking it. It is my morning ritual in these 3 years. The almost all mails are from US. I wish I would receive a mail that some need my help. Unfortunately when I find the unlucky, I have to rush multiple tasks at a time. In an hour, the US engineer who sent me trouble shooting mail would probably go home. Till them, I have to consider the situation and the next activities and to share them with the engineer. The delicious coffee disappears out my view. While considering the solution for US, mails and calls keep coming. At 10 o’clock Asian market is opened. The office is as if it wakes up from a sleep.

Every when new staff join my team, I ask them. “Do you like tumbling a dice” If they answer “Yes”, I’ll tell them “they will be good support engineer.” My working day is filled with a lot of unexpected things.

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